
Say hello to healthy snacks


When there’s a movie on or your favorite TV show, we’re no strangers to occasional snacks. And yeah, we know that potato chips are in no way healthy because of their high fat and salt content, especially when we reach for it in the evenings (which we all like to do, let’s face it) when it’s highly likely it’ll turn into a real salty and greasy threat. Have you ever thought of choosing the alternative? And by that I mean, kale or apple chips, roasted chickpeas, or popcorn. Kale/Apple chips
Kale chips and apple chips are extremely low calorie snacks, and at the same time, very yummy. Rich in fibers which help your digestion, and omega-3 fatty acids which protect the heart and blood vessels, and of course, antioxidants aka loyal friends to our cells that battle diseases or potential premature aging by neutralizing free radicals. Besides, you can prepare both of these snacks in no time.
Slice apples thinly and discard the seeds. Mix some sugar and cinnamon in a small bowl, and roll the sliced apples in it. The sugar will get the moisture out of the apples so you’ll need to place them on a sheet of paper to dry a little bit. Then prepare a baking sheet and place the slices on it. Bake for an hour on each side at the temperature of 200 °F.
If you want to give kale chips a go, this is what you should do. First, remove the center stems, wash and dry. Sprinkle some olive oil and vinegar (2:1 ratio) like you do when preparing a salad, and place it on a baking sheet. Bake for 6 minutes on each side at 350 °F.

Popcorn, a popular snack, is a type of corn, and a low-calorie one at that. Here’s a tip. Be careful because not all types of popcorn are good for you. Always go for the whole grain ones which are also the healthiest. Prepare them with just a few drops of oil and a dash of salt. And make sure you avoid the microwave popcorn because it’s soaked with butter and salt.

Pečeni slanutakRoasted chickpeas
Roasted chickpeas make a very delicious snack rich in dietary fibers. If you’re curios to see what it’s all about, all you need is chickpeas, spices and a dash of determination. Wash and dry the chickpeas, place it in a bowl, and sprinkle olive oil. Add some salt, pepper, and red pepper according to your taste. Spread on a baking sheet and bake for approximately 40 minutes at 450 °F.

Enjoy these healthy and extremely yummy snacks.

L. Rađa