
Why are proteins important?

Have you ever wondered why proteins play an important role when it comes to our health? All the proteins in our body, together with the ones we find in food, consist of chemical compounds called amino acids. Okay, let me explain this in layman’s terms – in a scenario where a protein represents a house, the amino acids are the bricks used in its construction. If there’s just one amino acid missing, it can cause serious damage to our health which is why dietary supplements come in handy.

When we eat, our digestive system breaks down proteins from food in separate amino acids which then form compounds in our body in order to create necessary proteins. There are two types of amino acids – essential and non-essential. The non-essential amino acids can be synthesized in the human body while the essential amino acids are found in food. Amino acids are important for several reasons – recovery of muscle, skin, tendon, organ and ligament injuries, as well as nails and hair. Moreover, they help create hormones, bodily fluids and enzymes. Although the main reason of amino acid deficiency is unhealthy diet, other triggers include stress, age, taking medications, and infections. Many amino acids are efficient in battling various heart diseases. Take for example carnitine. It can help you lose weight while exercising, and also improve your chance of surviving a heart attack. Arginine, a non-essential amino acid, reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack by narrowing blood vessels and lowering blood pressure.
Amino acids are undoubtedly vital for normal human body functions. Make sure you get enough high quality protein from low fat meat such as poultry and fish, but also cottage and curd cheese, eggs and soya. If you’re not put off by its taste, go ahead and try whey because it’s rich in protein, and low in calories.

L. Rađa