
Pregnancy and physical activity

A long time ago, pregnancy was regarded as a period when women were required to give up all their activities and practically lie all the way through pregnancy preparing for the day to come. Resting and eating for two were a must-do. However, times have changed and nowadays women don’t give up their usual lifestyle, even when they are pregnant. Of course, I too fully endorse this decision.
Let me explain. Research have shown that pregnant women who work out regularly less experience discomforts, have more strength, self-confidence and energy. Still, pregnancy is no time for setting a new world’s record, but you can think of this blissful state as a kind of special 9-months long edition of the Olympics. Even many gynaecologists support the idea of working out while pregnant, provided one cautiously chooses the appropriate types of exercises. Namely, physically active pregnant women, as it has been evidenced, have a much easier and less painful birth. Accordingly, more and more recreational centres offer programmes adjusted precisely for pregnant women. This is certainly an excellent idea since in these groups woman have an opportunity to learn how to properly warm up, breath and do stretching exercises as well. Besides, these venues are the perfect places for picking up the first hand experience and socializing. Contrary to what one may expect, even exercises with weights are welcomed, since this type of training reduces back pains caused by the weight gain, and it also helps with muscles spasms and neck tensions which some expectants experience in their third trimester. Physical activity before and during the pregnancy will also help you to quickly get back in shape. Without too much effort, the pounds will melt away like an ice cube under the sun and you will be happy and satisfied after seeing how good your pre-pregnancy clothes fits you again.

L. Rađa