
Prapatnica intertwined with Zagora…


Prapatnica is a small settlement located approximately 15 km from Seget towards Zagora (Hinterland). This particular place is known for its St. Thomas the Apostle Church built in 1891 at the same exact place where the old church used to be, proof of which are the remnants of its apse.

The large altar in the apse is made of marble and contains a painting of the Assumption of Mary from the 19th century. There are also two wooden altars in the church, one depicts Our Lady of Good Health full of silver gifts made by a local artist, and the other St. Thomas the Apostle. The niche contains the statue of St. Roch, and that of St. Anthony, as well as an old wooden crucifix.
The church was renovated in 1963, and in 2000 a new altar with the Assumption of Mary painting was made. The Queen of the Peace statue in front of the church keeps an eye on it. Moreover, the Blessed Alojzije (Aloysius) Stepinac statue is located in front of the local St. Thomas Church where the paths meet that lead to Šibenik and Split on one side, and to Prgomet towards the new highway, on the other.

This cozy settlement is worth visiting, as is its spiritual protector – the St. Thomas the Apostle Church with its awe inspiring statues.

D. Šabić