
One idea of happiness


As we step into 30s, our dreams seem to simmer down, and we begin to analyse more and more the things we did or did not accomplish. Probably we were a little bit wild in our twenties, while thirties brought another perspective into our life, making us embrace a slower paced life in which we have become more realistic. We finally see those true values in life and feel satisfied if we are heathy, but also feel complete if we see our life goes in the direction we intended it to go.
One American university has even made a research study regarding this matter, and findings were rather interesting. Specifically, as human body begins to show the signs of ageing, its spirit tends to rejuvenate. The examinees have reported that their twenties were the most stressful period of their life. Once they stepped into fifties they’ve become much more calm and satisfied with their life. The older subjects have admitted to have fewer negative emotions and have less ambiguity to stress about which in turn makes them happier. This undertaking is important since it targets our personality development. The research suggests that younger people are exposed to a great deal of stress, physically as well as emotionally, regardless of where they live, their socio-economic circumstances and the people with whom s/he lives with. Adolescence is marked by hormonal turbulence, search for identity and other crisis typical for that age. When entering into more mature age, people are exposed to a struggle for existence, they seek partner, start a family, raise children and then come in the so called middle life crisis. In fifties people are more likely to analyse their life achievements. Most people would settle down and become more realistic about things in life. Some would be happy just for being healthy, others are proud to see the results of their long-term commitment to their family. However, it is a common knowledge that wealth does not guarantee happiness. Not even health or love could be bought with money, even some may dispute this. Moreover, diseases affect equally the rich and the poor, although some may argue against this since people with more money can also have more options for treatment. But when love is in question, rich people are equally, if not more, lonely and broken-hearted. You may use money to win a girl, but there is so much more to true love than money. And rich people will confirm that, even though others may think their luck has left them precisely for lack of money. We often feel unhappy because we don’t have everything we want, but as pathetic as it may sound, we really need to be grateful for what we do have. Luck is in small things, and one never knows what tomorrow may bring. When you look your life from that perspective, you’ll see how that happiness you feel starts to pass on to other people around you. Don’t dwell on the past, you can’t change it anyway, so instead, accept your mistake as a good lesson and turn to future, because life in the end brings you only few bitter, and many more sweet moments.
