
New old soul

The arrival of the new year has brought along that breaking moment when we all decide to use precisely this fact to make changes in our lives… Regardless of the nature of these changes, insignificant or small for someone, still of great importance to us – it always seems to be easier to turn the new page with a new number on a calendar. Or at least that’s what we hope for…
One of the most memorable thoughts of great Honore de Balzac explains not just the underlying theme of these changes, but the entire man’s life and its meaning. And it concerns human soul primarily: that small, regular, timid, thirsty for love, respect and attention. Insecure, hoping that it will be realized in all its depth right in this world… “You are made of three persons, says he: One, like you want to be. The other is the one you think you are. And third, the way you really are. This one you only don’t know.” I often find myself reflecting upon this idea… Ruthless and tireless speed of everyday lives, obligations and work leave us so little time if any for something that should be the most important: happiness. And man is truly happy only when he is what he is. The world is not even aware of the constant loss being underway in many poor attempts to realize one’s own purpose…
We tend to trade by roaming through those ways that are driven by wrong ideals, imposed opinions, prototypes, acquired goals and aspirations… far behind all more urgent, top-priority matters that each of us consciously or not, writes every day. And so as the days go by, making our life resembling less an less to the product of our own will, power of mind and realization of soul, but more to a desire for somebody else’s life, happiness, path, possession or daily lives… Convincing ourselves into things we would like to believe (or at least thinks he would wish), thereby not just loosing ourselves, but self-awareness, consciousness about who we really are.
Some magic formula to get out of this vicious circle does not exist, but solution is actually simple: just be yourself… Easier to be said than done, but no one has yet found an ideal and quick model to tackle this phenomenon. Because, we are all invited to work on ourselves to find that magic solution, every day, to the rest of our life. Still, we are all just people.. with our faults and virtues, blessings and mistakes, experiences, memories, thoughts, feelings.
Don’t let another year to pass in wishful hoping and the same promises you always make to yourself. Love thyself and do everything you can for your acts to become the acts of blessing and happiness for your soul and all dear people around you… May you become a person you want to be, fulfilling your life in that way and bringing joy to every new day that comes thus making a trace in this world… Hoping this year will be full of happiness and blessings and also perseverance while writing a new chapter in your book of life…
