
Do you know the name of this plant?

Most of us recognize this beautiful flower for its specific and unusual look. Its name is Passiflora caerulea, also called a blue passion flower or common passion flower. It is a species of a flowering plant native to southern Brazil and Argentina where it is known under names pasionaria or mburucuyá, from where it came into our parts in the 17th century. Over time, the plant acquired many folk names like Christ’s Crown, Jesus’ Passion, Christ’s bouquet, Christ’s Crown, Crown of Thorns. It is typically grown in spring in rich loose sandy or gravelly soils. The plant can be planted in a small pot, or in a garden, and depending upon a type, it can be decidious or evergreen plant.
But, did you know this plant has also medicinal properties? Considering the range of its usage, it is astonishing how little do we know about these features. According to official European norms, the entire above-gound parts of a plant, i.e. the leaves and flowers are eatible. Passiflora has a calming, sleep inducing and muscle spasm relieving effects. Therefore, it has very benefitial effects in cases of stress, tension, nervosness and sleeping disorder. It is most often used as an aid in problems typical for modern hectic lives like anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, etc. These problems are usually treated by various medications that often cause side effects like addiction, feebleness and drowsiness – which is not the case with natural remedies like passiflora that has a soothing and relieving effect. This plant is safe and non-toxic, and if used, one cannot develop tolerance or addiction. However, in case you would like to use this pant, make sure you consult with a professional person like a pharmacologist. We hope you will not need it for medicinal reasons, but regardlessly, it could still be a beautiful decorative plant in your garden!