
How to choose the right color for your rooms?

Color is probably the first detail one notices in a room. Each of us surely has his/her own favourite and the least favourite color too. Colors are everywhere around us and can seriously influence our mood and emotions.

We perceive colors through light, and our brain deciphers a particular color in the light (visible) spectrum. The very type of light also affects the way we see colors in space. They depend upon the part of a day, side of the world, location and a range of other factors. Therefore, it is very important to be careful when choosing colors, but also when we want to use them for a particular purpose.
Bear in mind that any space can seem completely different just by changing the color on one wall. So, before you decide to change the color of your walls, a piece of furniture or some other detail in a room, even if you think you are quite certain, think again and look closely at the very colors you are about to use.
You can always turn to our experts who will help you to optimise your functional and visual results with your requirements.
Of course, you can also use some advice and unstated rules we offer you and perhaps in that way solve your dilemmas. Here are some things you should take into account:
For the beginning, you must pay attention to the amount and the nature of light in the room. Morning sun adds more of a pink tone to colors, daily sun will give more blue, and the evening red tone. Illumination can, depending on a type, emphasize or even lessen color’s intensity, or even change its value.

If you live alone, you can use your imagination freely and play with more dramatic and warmer colors. Common rooms, where we spent most of our time, can look excellent in lighter and cool colors. Bathrooms and bedrooms can be decorated with lighter tones of soothing and warmer colors, the ones which will not disturb you, instead will help you relax.

Always pay attention to the intensity of colors. The strong ones should be used with the utmost attention since they stress out surfaces and dominate in space. Use them very carefully and only when you want to point out some elements in space.
Be aware of the psychological impact colors have, i.e. depending on what you want to accomplish with a particular color (what kind of mood, behavior). This is a wide subject and we will tackle it on some other occasion.
Hopefully, these few guidelines will be helpful in choosing the right colors for your space that will serve your desires perfectly.