
Why is it high time to say goodbye to fried foods?

I believe we are all very tempted to forget about our healthy food choices and a goal we strive for once we feel the smell of that crispy fried potato in the air. Very easily, almost instantly we put off our mind that frying in oil actually produces very harmful and reactive molecules we call free radicals, and not just that, frying destroys all valuable nutrients in foods like essential fat. This is crucial information for our well-being since these “essential” components need to be introduced into our organism through food because our organism cannot synthesize (produce) them on its own. In fact, the way we process food is important because it determines the ratio between nutritious and bad elements for our health. Frying can be even worse method of food processing when we consider the type of oil we use, temperature and total frying time. The irony lies in the fact that oils which are normally good and healthy for our organism, i.e. unsaturated oils, convert into harmful trans-fatty acids during the frying process. Did you know frying is far worse food processing method than stewing? Roasting, grilling and steam cooking are much more desirable methods of food processing. However, overcooked food is not good either because it “kills” valuable nutrients to a great extent. Therefore, change your bad habits and turn to healthy foods and methods of food processing, and you’ll have much more energy, and will soon be leaving the excess weight behind you too.

L. Rađa