
Herbal wines (Part 4)

Radish wine


Radish is known for its nutritional content. It’s rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fats and cellulose, and several minerals – potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and sodium. Radish wine will definitely cleanse your body.

100 g grated black radish
1 l apple juice
5 tablespoons honey
1 l wine

Mix wine and apple juice, add honey and grated radish. Cover and let it sit for 7 days. Filter the wine, and store it in the fridge. The recommended dose is 1 small cup 3 times a day.

Basil wine
Basil wine is used to treat digestive diseases and flatulence problems. Moreover, it stimulates bowel movement by prompting muscles to contract. It also gets rid of intestinal parasites and has a vital role in preserving your intestinal microflora balance.


Method: 5 tablespoons basil
1 l white wine

Cover chopped dried basil with wine, and let it sit for 10 days, then filter the wine. The recommended dose is 1 small cup with a meal.

Wormwood wine

Wormwood wine works wonders for female menstrual cycles. Homemade wormwood wine will solve your liver problems or jaundice.

Method: 1 teaspoon wormwood
0,5 dl cognac
1 l white wine

Cover chopped dried wormwood with cognac and leave it for a day. Filter the cognac, and add wine. Let it sit for 7 more days.

Parsley wine

Parsley wine proved to be good for people with heart problems and angina pectoris.

Method: 2 l white wine
2 tablespoons vinegar
12 parsley roots
300 g honey

Peel parsley, slice it, and cover with boiling water and vinegar. While it’s still hot, add honey and leave it covered until it cools down. Filter the wine. The only thing that’s left is to enjoy your small cup of parsley wine after a meal twice a day.

P. Mimica