
Get ready for spring cleaning!

As the days get warmer, traditional home spring cleaning already awaits us. Windows, walls, floors, bathroom and curtains, all requiring a makeover in order to look spick and span. But, unlike the old-fashioned practice you had for years, maybe it’s time you give a chance to natural ingredients like lemon, bicarbonate of soda, vinegar and salt from which you can make your own cleaners for your home. Except for being much healthier solution, you’ll also save a lot of money.


For instance, if you want to have crystal clean windows, some vinegar and water would do the trick. Put 8 decilitres of white vinegar in a plastic spray bottle and dilute it with 3 decilitres of water and a few drops of some citrus essential oil of your choice. Shake this mixture before use and spray your windows. Leave it for a few seconds and then wipe with a damp cloth. Not only that your windows will be shiny, but will release a beautiful citrus scent throughout the room.

Furthermore, long and cold winter has maybe taken its tool on your curtains since excess heating can reflect on your favourite curtains by turning them dingy. But, don’t worry, you can restore their natural (white) colour with a little help from sea salt. Before you wash your curtains, soak it in warm water in which you previously added two fits of salt. Leave it like that for half an hour and then wash as usual. You’ll be amazed by the results, since they will truly look like new curtains.

Moreover, our mothers and grandmothers have probably taught you that spring cleaning traditionally involves another interesting “activity” – defrosting refrigerators, that is freezers. They are known to have various stains from food that may cause very uncomfortable odours. When cleaning fridge is in question, the first thing you should do is of course, take out all the food from it and then roughly clean it and then thoroughly clean it with lemon juice. It will remove all those awkward smells, leaving your fridge very clean and fresh.


Furthermore, an effective way to get rid of lime scale stains and soap stains in your bathroom is to use bicarbonate of soda, vinegar powder and lemon juice to make a paste with which you’ll cover the bathtub stains and let them sit for half an hour. Afterwards scrub the bathtub and sink once again and rinse everything with water.

Finally, if your chrome taps have lost their previous glow, it can be restored by using almond oil. Cotton pad soaked with a few drops of this oil will be enough to polish these taps until you can see your own reflection.

L. Rađa