
Foods to detoxify liver

Liver is a filter organ which is why we should pay particular attention on its state. Unfortunately, modern way of life in addition to greasy food and alcohol, surely do not go in favour of this attempt. Liver weighs about 1,5 kg and performs various tasks. However, sometimes we get slightly carried away and take more toxins than our body (liver) can take, i.e. process. So, if we do overdo with the alcohol at some celebration party or perhaps eat too much greasy food, we should consummate some foods that will help liver to do its job properly. Green tea
Green tea is a beverage absolutely adored by the liver, unlike the alcohol. It is rich in catechins, i.e. antioxidant apigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) that protects our body from the influence of free radicals. Other than its great taste, it is one of the most healthier beverages you can give to your body.
Olive oil
Cool pressured oils like olive oil, especially if it is organic, is a great cleanser that helps liver to eliminate toxins.

Apples are very rich in pectin that protects our body and cleans the accumulated toxins in liver, thus serving as a great assistant to already preoccupied liver. A famous proverb also says “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, so do not hesitate to eat at least one piece of fruit precious as an apple.
This extraordinary tropic super-food, as it’s often being described, helps the body in glutathione production, an antioxidant essential for the detoxification in the body.
Citrus fruits
All citrus fruits are very rich in antioxidants and vitamin C in particular, which is the organism’s perfect ally for body detoxification. In order to stimulate liver, make sure you drink at least one glass of lemonade each day.

Nuts contain an amino acid arginin, relevant for ammonia detoxification. Beside other health benefits, nuts are an en excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids and glutathione, great for liver detox.

Turmeric is a super-spice with a high antioxidant value, and for that the liver’s favourite spice. It helps liver in detoxification process by increasing the efficiency of the enzymes responsible for toxin removal.
Asparagus, artichokes and kale are also helpful for normal liver functioning. Any vegetable, green especially, has numerous health benefits. Once you change your lifestyle and introduce some of the foods from this list into your diet, you’ ll notice improvements – healthier and younger looking skin, no dark rings under your eyes and a body full of energy.

L. Rađa