
Farewell to cellulite

Warm days are approaching, in other words, more worrisome thoughts are ahead about that ”orange peel look” that prevents you from showing your true self. Why? Because that one piece of clothing you simply adore all of a sudden doesn’t fit your body the way it should.

What should we do to get rid of it? This question troubles many women, and the following suspects were found guilty – wrong diet, stress, lack of exercise, genetic predisposition, and hormonal imbalance. If our lymphatic system doesn’t function properly, i.e. doesn’t get rid of cell surpluses, it accumulates it instead which in turn leads to excessive fluid in the connective tissue. Over time, this fluid condenses and creates pockets which form the obnoxious ”orange peel”.
There are three types of cellulite, or better yet, three stages – hard, soft and edematous cellulite. If we want to get rid of it, applying different kinds of creams and oils is not enough; changing your lifestyle, on the other hand, and introducing the right diet, is the way to go.
And keep in mind, drink plenty of water. We’ve already discussed its value on several occasions.

Anti-cellulite tea Mix cherry stems, polygoni and butcher’s broom, and add 3 drops of lemon essential oil. Enjoy your 2 cups a day of your very own anti-cellulite tea.

Birch juice
The minute you get up in the morning have 2 tablespoons of birch juice.

Aromatic bath
Interested in an aromatic bath that will help you battle cellulite and fat deposits? Here’s what you need to do. Mix 3 tablespoons of Dead Sea salt, 3 drops of rosemary essential oil, 3 drops of orange juice, and finally, 3 drops of cypress essential oil.

Anti-cellulite mud
What about all the benefits of green clay? Take 30 g of green clay powder, add 2 drops of cypress essential oil, 2 drops of orange juice, and 2 drops of lemon essential oil. Apply the mixture on the areas where cellulite has taken over, and leave there for about 30 minutes.

Coffee body scrub
Apart from using this ”magic potion” every single morning, we can also use it as a natural peeling mask that will be our ally in the battle against cellulite. Mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil and ¼ cup of ground coffee, and scrub away. If you apply it to ”critical” areas, you’ll help get rid of toxins. There’s something else you can do. Wrap the body parts covered in coffee mask in a plastic foil and leave it for a few minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and then grab a relaxing shower.
Who would’ve thought that coffee, so popular in the world, is also great when it comes to getting rid of cellulite because it increases blood circulation. So now you know what masks and beverages can come in handy. More importantly, make sure good habits become your routine, and send the bad ones packing. You’ll see, there’ll be no reason to panic in the upcoming months. Try exercising on a daily basis, eating healthy, resting when your body feels tired. Also, choose treatments that are right for you. Don’t starve yourself because that will have a huge impact on your entire well-being. Keep working on improving your overall health, and your body will be in tiptop shape before summer comes along.

A. Vukušić