
Eat less, live longer

How many times have you heard people say you’ll live longer if you have a slim physique? Just so you know, that statement has been scientifically proven. Bear in mind, it’s important to distinguish between a slim person and a malnourished one. You see, our body needs the exact amount of ”fuel” it needs, and not a gallon more, because the extra ”fuel” is unfortunately stored in the fat cell containers.

A lot of foods we eat nowadays, like sugar and saturated fat, provide our body with the so-called empty calories, in other words, there are no macro- and micronutrients.
What do we need to focus on here? The answer is simple. If you want to live longer, you have to get rid of such foods from your thoughts and of course, your diet. Turn your attention to apples, carrots, nuts and seeds which will give you the same amount of calories and nutrients. When it comes to fruit and vegetables, you’ll also get enough low-calorie water to stay hydrated.

The calorie intake reduction recipe is a very short one. Ready? Eat less. Or you can try fasting once a week. For example, have a Fruit Day.
Life insurance companies see the connection between your body weight and longevity. Online weight charts show you the ideal weight for a specific height. Generally speaking, if you want to live longer, aim for low weight. The important thing is to have a low body mass index made up of fatty tissue. In other words, a person with a high body mass index can have less fatty tissue than a slim person.
In the end, it all depends on your lifestyle choices, and the balance you achieve between the food you eat and physical activity you perform.

L. Rađa