
Eat beauty-boosting super-foods


More beautiful, stunning, ravishing and younger are every woman’s mission. In the name of that we are tend to spend enormous amounts of money for a new wardrobe, make-up, hair and face beauty products. But, when it comes to youthful look, we know that our lifestyle and good nutrition are essential. Collagen in our body is responsible for youthful look, and ageing, unfortunately, accelerates collagen loss, which is evident with the onset of wrinkles.

Naturally, modern way of life, hurried everyday lives, stress, sun and free radicals are shown to reduce skin’s collagen production. But did you know that by opting for the right foods you can stimulate production of this precious protein? Yes, these super-foods really exist, they are easily available, in fact we are surrounded by them every day and these are green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, garlic and food rich in omega-3 fatty acids.


Green leafy vegetables are very healthy and nutritious foods. However, recent studies have shown that precisely this, for many, turn-your-stomach type of food, boosts collagen production in our body. Therefore, next time you see spinach, asparagus or kale on your plate, don’t run for it. Moreover, it is common knowledge tomatoes are very nutritious, since they are rich in lycopene – the king of all antioxidants. Research has shown that lycopene can inhibit the breakdown of collagen by blocking the collagenese enzyme. But keep in mind that far more lycopene is found in tomato sauce than in fresh tomato. Another super-food that helps collagen production is definitively garlic because it is rich in sulphur, one of key elements for collagen production.

Besides, garlic also contains alpha lipoic acid and taurine, indispensable for repairing damaged collagen fibres. For this reason, regardless of the awkward breath, you be generous when adding this food in numerous dishes you prepare. Additionally, everyone knows that foods rich in omega 3-fatty acids is very important for our health because it protects cardiovascular system, but has an additional role of maintaining collagen amounts in our body. Healthy oils rich in omega 3-fatty acids make our skin soft, smooth and supple. Omega 3-fatty acids can be found in fish such as salmon, but in various seeds and nuts too, so make sure you include these foods in your diet.

L. Rađa