
Do you have the right wine glass? Check it out!

It is very important to serve wine in a proper wine glass, since it’s not only the visual appearance that is in question, but the whole wine experience as well. Glasses actually have a function! Not that visual appearance is irrelevant, but a right wine glass allows you to taste all of those nuanced flavors in wine.
Normally, wine glasses are narrower at the top of the glass (rim) so as to collect all aromas and sense the wine’s bouquet (tertiary aroma).

Also, wine glasses should have a long stem in order not to interfere with the wine temperature and they also have a flat stand (foot) for stability. Wine should be respected! Tulip-shaped wine glasses with a long stem are used for white wines. Generally, glasses for white wines are somewhat smaller than those for red wines, because white wines do not need to breathe as much as red ones and its bouquet does not develop as dramatically. Aged red wines require large wine glasses with fuller and rounder bowls with a larger opening than other wine glasses.

Normally, wine glass has the capacity of 174 ml, while this large glass holds 290 ml. This glass size is an imperative when it comes to mature wines, since glass with a larger surface area ensures complex aromas and flavors of red wine are released very quickly once the wine comes in contact with more air. If by any case wine turns out to be poor or has some flaws, it would be best to switch that bottle of wine.

Smaller glasses are more appropriate for dessert wines.These need to be narrower at the top to keep the aroma. Small size glasses are used because some dessert wines contain a significant amount of alcohol because it is drunk in smaller quantities than table wines.

Sparkling wines are served in the so called champagne flute glass (French – la flute). ‟Flute” glass is the basic glass on a modern table, also known as ‟angel champagne flute glass”. Its shape resembles to an elongated tulip or inverted triangle. This elegant and narrower glass shape retains carbonation and captures the flavor in the beverage.

  P. Mimica