
Did you know sugar causes wrinkles?

Believe this, it’s not a myth, and I would recommend you to keep on reading this article before you finish off that tempting chocolate you’ve just opened. Yes, sugar can accelerate ageing process and cause wrinkles. You wonder how is this possible? The answer is rather simple – eating too much sugar on a daily basis, especially the one in processed foods, leads to damaging our healthy body cells. The damage caused by unhealthy diet choices and too high blood sugar level are comprised under the term called glycation. Eating sweet and processed foods eventually leads to chronic glucose exposure whereby sugar molecules connect with protein molecules like collagen and elastin, a key factors when youthful look featured by fresh and healthy skin is in question. Ageing is a natural process, but over the years the amount of the elements essential for our vital, wrinkles-free look, decreases. Once attached, these sugar-plus-protein molecules form what are called dietary advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Naturally, with the onset of these “new” molecules the amount of collagen and elastin decreases, causing our skin to age.

However, you can fight this by primarily changing your diet and reducing sugar intake, particularly the hidden one in highly processed foods. Always seek healthier foods with low glycemic index. Besides, nowadays there are numerous products enriched with peptides (short chains of amino acids) and dietary supplements (antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E and alpha-lipoic acid) that may help you not only to maintain your health, but great looking skin as well. Therefore, if you thought avoiding sugar was impossible mission for you, maybe you’ll get the right motivation to do something about it now that you know the fact that just buy cutting down on sugar you can significantly contribute to the beautiful and youthful look of your skin.

L. Rađa