
Corset diet – the latest Hollywood hit!

Have you already heard of the corset diet popular among celebrities? Do you really believe in the sea of other diets this one actually works? I’ve stumbled upon this hit idea of Hollywood while browsing on the Internet, i.e. Facebook and saw that precisely popular starlet Kim Kardashian presented this diet as her latest discovery-aid for losing the weight after birth. Interestingly, this diet has no relation with any specific diet regime whatsoever. The secret lies in wearing corset for about 2 to 6 hours a day, not more. But wearing this aid – corset, will visually improve your figure by narrowing down your waist, but the corset wearing by itself will surely not assist you in losing the fat. What is more, wearing this garment may result in acid reflux condition and thus irritate your esophagus. It may even weaken your abdominal muscles. However, it is possible that you lose some weight by wearing corset simply because the feeling of tightness will cause such a discomfort that you will bring less calories into your body. Corset diet or not as a solution to your weigh problems, make sure you drink enough water, exercise regularly and eat healthy. Just by changing your lifestyle, you will feel better and loose weight. Corset may be a means to an end – for a visually nicer and slimmer look, but it is not an underlying solution for the weight issue.

L. Rađa