
Chocolate paradise for your senses

Preparation time: 10 minutes
– dark chocolate: 100 g
– eggs: 2
– instant coffee: 1 tea spoon
– fresh mint: 1 tea spoon
– sweet cream
– some fruit for decoration of your own choice
Melt the chocolate over the steam and move away from the stove afterwards. Beat egg yolks and add them to the chocolate while it is still hot. Add chopped mint and a tea spoon of coffee and leave this mixture to cool down for about 20 minutes.
Beat the egg-whites but make sure they don’t come out too thick and mix them gently in the fine chocolate.
Serve in smaller bowls and for decoration add some whipped cream and the leaves of mint on a top.
Delicious and easy chocolate cream will blow your mind, while at the same time it requires only minimal effort and time. Since this dish does not contain added carbs, you can enjoy this treat without feeling guilty.

A. Vukušić