
8 healthy foods vs. Stress


Avocado is rich in vitamin B which has a soothing effect and can lower your blood pressure. Moreover, compared to bananas, it has higher potassium levels.

Blueberries are rich in vitamin C that helps reduce stress. Research has confirmed that people who take vitamin C before stressful situations have a low cortisol level, as well as low blood pressure compared to those who don’t.


Cashew nuts
Due to low zinc level in our bodies, we feel anxious, but these nuts are a perfect solution to that problem because you get to restore your zinc supply. For instance, a snack of 100 g contains 5.78 mg of zinc.

Chamomile tea soothes and reduces feelings of anxiety, and works wonders with your nerves.


Dark chocolate
This type of chocolate is perfect for reducing stress and anxiety because it boosts serotonin levels, the so-called happiness hormone. The best choice is a chocolate with a very high cocoa content.

All that stress can weaken you immune system, so garlic is what your body definitely needs. Why? Because it gets rid of toxins, neutralizes oxidative stress, strengthens your immune system, and reduces cancer risk.

Oatmeal contains carbohydrates which boost your serotonin levels, and so help your mood and reduce damaging effects of stress. Also, it’s rich in beta-glucans which is good for your immune system.

Diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids is a loyal friend to your heart, and it also helps balance stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline.

One more thing. Try drinking less coffee and alcoholic beverages, or stay clear of them because they can only contribute to your anxiety issues or sleep disorders.
And don’t forget – laugh more. Research has shown that laughing reduces cortisol levels thanks to the happiness hormone, and also, provides the body with more oxygen and improves blood circulation, reduces tension and relaxes your body.
