
5 tips for a perfect look

   by  Lisa Widerberg 

1. Apply blush correctly
If you want your blush to blend naturally with your face, the first thing you should do is suck in your cheeks and apply blush to your cheekbones, working from the temples in. You can’t go wrong, this is a known technique, just make sure you follow your cheekbone line. And afterwards, don’t forget to check if you applied the same amount of blush on both cheeks.

2. Take care of your skin
First things first: it all starts from within. If you don’t take care of your diet, the overall effort is useless.
Cream you use in the winter might not do you any good in the summer. If makeup you’ve been using suddenly stops working for you, you should first stop to think what changed recently and if it somehow reflects on your skin.

3. Clean makeup brushes
Cleaning your makeup brushes is essential since by doing that you’ll avoid potential infections and preserve their softness. This process is easy and should be done once a week. Pour lukewarm water and some mild shampoo in a small bowl, dip a brush and rub it gently against the surface of the bowl. Rinse with lukewarm water, gently squeeze so that you get rid of excess water, and let it dry.

4. Make your eyes look bigger
If you’re looking for a bigger eye effect, choose simple, neutral colors, especially white. Apply white eye pencil to the inner rim – it’s a nifty trick. Also, apply a white shade to the inner rim of your eyelids – you’ll get the look you wanted.

5. Plump your lips naturally
When it comes to taking care of your lips, believe it or not, your toothbrush will come in handy in getting rid of dead skin and stimulating blood circulation. You can achieve this with a paste of sugar, honey, lemon juice and olive oil. Apply it gently to your lips, in round strokes, using a toothbrush, and leave it like that for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Apply a lip balm afterwards. You’ll see the results you wanted in no time, that is, soft and plump lips.

A. Vukušić